Meet the Artist

Hi! My Name is Britney Cobb!
I was born on May 29, 1985.
I’m the Visual Arts Teacher at Bear Grass Charter School! Go Bears!
I graduated from ECU in May, 2012 with a BFA in Metal Design/Jewelry and a minor in Art History!
I also have quite a few credits in Photography and have a pretty good working knowledge of PhotoShop.
I have an Associates Degree in Business Administration from Pitt Community College.
In my spare time I am also a freelance photographer.

My boyfriend, Bryon, and I adopted a cute little Chug (Chihuahua & Pug mix) named Zoe in March 2012. She’s 3 years old. If you came out to the Christmas Parade in Bear Grass, you likely saw her running along side of the Art Club float!

I’m a HUGE Halloween fan!! It’s pretty much my favorite holiday. Generally I make my own costumes and I really enjoy dressing up and seeing peoples reactions! How could you not love a holiday where you get to play dress up!!! Zoe is a trooper too. Last year she was a little witch, and she helped pass out the candy to the Trick-Or-Treaters!!!

My family is very important to me! We spend a lot of time together! My mom and dad live in Windsor, where I grew up, and my brother is now married and living with his wife and two dogs in Simpson.

My boyfriend and I have been together since November 2011, and have known each other for years. His name is Bryon and he lives in Greenville. He is an Analytical Chemist at Metrics.

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